
I came a little close and placed my hand on her shoulder and she did not object. She just smiled and pulled her face down into her lap. I became strong. And moved my hand a little down. And I found she was not wearing a bra. And she was feeling the warmth of my hand. She had no words or sound. Everything was silent. My hand went down and down till I could feel her perfect round ass bums. I was brave and witty by now. I had thought that I would do it no matter what. I came closer and pulled her. Yanking down her pants, Deb was shocked how wet she was. Not really that experienced in sex, even at her age, she had never been this wet. She wiped herself up, and blotted her panties to try to dry them up somewhat, then, red faced, strode back out to Marcus.As she approached Marcus, she noticed that his shorts still tented out with an impossibly huge bulge. Marcus, at the same time, noticed the dark spot caused by the leakage from between her legs."Deb, I'm sorry..." he began"Ssshh! don't. As he finishes the knot on my left ankle, he begins to kiss first my ankle then slowly up my calf, and on to my inner thigh. But he stops there to torture me. Instead of a tongue I feel the pressure of his fingers directly on my clitoris. Softly he is rubbing in a circular motion, then down he goes to part through my wet folds. up and down and around. Finally he plunges two fingers deep within me, and I scream with delight. As those two fingers probe so deeply, his tongue finds my clit. Deeper. Robert told me, “Josey, I need to get back to the office. I’ll call you in a day or so, and we’ll make more plans for our plots. After you meet with County Agent Bill Hornsby in Stewart County, let me know, and I’ll try to coordinate a really big test plot on the County Line Road with him and his people. If all goes well, we may want to set up a Bi-County Field-Day on that new farm you’re about to take possession of.”“Robert, I really appreciate the time you’ve taken with me, along with the.
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